The Sick Reason Many Unhappy Couples Aren’t Getting Divorced This Year

divorce attorney in Tampa
divorce attorney in Tampa
In December, President Donald Trump signed a new tax law. According to data from the government, this will raise the amount of alimony paid by approximately 800,000 couples headed for divorce this year. The divorce lawyers say this is increasing the number of divorces because the law goes into effect in 2019. These attorneys also believe this law will cause a decrease in the number of divorces once it has passed. Couples are expected to remain married due to the tax and alimony ramifications of getting divorced in 2019.

The Children

According to the latest statistics, one out of every four married couples only remains together due to the children. Once the children are grown, these couples are planning to get divorced. They hide their misery because they are afraid of the way the children will react to a divorce. Partners who have already experienced one divorce remain married to their new partner long after the marriage has fallen apart, and nearly eight out of ten admit this was a mistake. The problem with this scenario is the children know what is happening, and this often causes more harm than a divorce. Sometimes the only answer is to contact divorce lawyers in Tampa.

The Spite Game

When one partner in a marriage has an affair, the other partner is not always able to forgive them. This can lead to a revenge scenario where the wounded party will not agree to a divorce because they want to force their partner to pay for their actions. Unfortunately, the partner often remains in the marriage due to feelings of guilt. This generally leads to a non-functional, relationship that will end in divorce eventually anyway. When there is no chance to repair a marriage, contact a Tampa divorce attorney.

The Monetary Aspect

Some couples must rely on both incomes for financial survival. In this scenario, both parties are too afraid of the financial ramifications should they divorce. This type of marriage can either turn into a friendship, become incredibly bitter, or the couple can continue to grow farther and farther apart. When children are involved the financial aspect is even worse, and the couple will resort to fake dates simply to keep up the appearance of a happy marriage. If the children do not realize what is happening when they are young, they usually do as they get older.

The Social Stigma

Some couples remain married because they belong to an impressive social circle, and divorce is looked down on. They fear a divorce will ruin their reputation, and they will be ostracized from their current circle of socialization. They will smile, attend affairs together, act like a loving couple, then go home to sleep in separate beds.


There are couples who remain married because they do not want to be alone, and fear they will not meet anyone else. Instead of taking a chance, getting a divorce, and looking for true love, they will remain married and unhappy. Sometimes the couple develops an uneasy friendship, and sometimes this situation leads to multiple affairs. A bright future can begin with a divorce, and it can become necessary to contact divorce lawyers in Tampa.

The Rich Spouse

A divorce is often discounted because one of the partners is rich. In many cases, a prenuptial agreement has been signed, and the partner knows the life they have come to enjoy will end with a divorce. As sad as it appears, some people will remain in an unhappy, loveless marriage because of an expensive home, cars, staff, money, etc. The idea of going back to living an average life is so repugnant, the individual would rather remain in a sick semblance of a marriage.

The Religious Aspect

In some religions, divorce is forbidden. According to these religions, once a couple has entered into the state of matrimony, they must remain married for life. Many people are not willing to go against their faith no matter how bad their marriage has become. They simply continue going through the motions hoping things will begin to improve. Unfortunately, this does not happen often because once a marriage is over, it is over.

The Visitation Dilemma

Many couples with children are afraid to even if they have visitation rights, their ex-spouse will find a way to keep them away from their kids out of spite. They will remain married to be able to see their children every day, and a good percentage do not realize their children know exactly what is happening. This type of situation is usually worse for the children than a divorce. A good divorce attorney can also help ensure both parents have regular contact with the children. In this instance, it is an excellent idea to contact a Tampa divorce attorney.